結局 (about “BANKSY’s Bristol Home Sweet Home”に関して)
2000年デビューshow Arnolfini (1999年 seven sheadではなく) そこでMassive Attackのグラン(Grant)、Daddy GがBanksyの作品を購入 こっちがあってるんじゃないかな?(2007年12月にチェバから届いた本!)
I just found
on my book which Cheba sent me in 2007?
coz Pink Gorilla
was in 2011!(Easton! BS5!)
So why it’s on my Book “BANKSY’s Bristol Home Sweet Home”!!!!????
It’s same book but (cover, title: but “inside”! (Contents, photos and words!!!!)
Rob san stole my book (originally Cheba sent me, then I received 2007 Dec!)
I don’t know “WHEN” Rob san did it…
prob in 2014 or 2015? (Rob san was staying at Mamasan flat!), while I had shower or bathroom or…(I wasn’t in my room, but Mama san was almost always!!!! Next door!(next room, could hear kind of TV noise from Living room…!)
When I was reading (in 2021, after 14years? Or something like that!),
-1- I was thinking…where is “THAT photo?” (Of Cashing machine near castle green )
-2- “something I don’t know” (invisible one near st.Marks rd. where I had meal (wedding meal!) with J’s folks and grand mother!) … I was thinking, maybe I forgot about this? or…ah! And “2000 photos guy”! (This episode was not on the ONE I received from Cheba!!!!!!!
-3- 2000 Arnolfini show (before Banksy moved to LONDON!), Grant (from Massive Attack bought Banksy’s artwork there! …this is what I read in 2007!!!(the ONE I received from CHEBA in 2007!!!!!!!!!!!)
1999年ではなく2000年 Seven Sheadのショウは別にあった、それとは別に。で、Arnolfiniのショウの後Banksyはロンドンに引越し、、、
「St.Marks rdの透明なやつ(仕掛けは古本を探してみようね!その文章のバージョン)」はそれものっけとこ!(面白いから!)「2000枚の人(これも最初の元々の本 ロブさんに、、、まぁ盗まれた!には書いてないこと)」
詳しくは…if you want to read more… link is here (I wrote it, it’s in Japanese tho)
、、、 うわー
ピンクゴリラ 2011! (2007 NOV 6000 copyて書いてる本!)になんで載ってるの!
PINK GORILLA on the book
which Rob san …stole mine!!(ORIGINAL ONE!!! I received from Cheba 2007 DEC!!!!),
and left
“something different!!!!!!”
It says…
6000 copies!!!!!!!!!!!”

I don’t know when Rob san did it :(
It’s really shocking! I didn’t notice (about his “this lie”!!!) I haven’t doubt about it…!
FUKUSHIMA disaster in 2011!
I wrote to Rob san saying about “Black Rain”!
and We talked on the phone before Rob san came to Japan…
It was after 311, so I said something like this… “Better not to come, coz it might be raining (BLACK RAIN!!!!!!!)”
But Rob san came to Japan and staying at my Mamasan’s flat for a week.
He said
“I come coz I love you” :(
something like this …
what kind of LOVE?????
Then “DOMMUNE” for GO IN A GOOD WAY promotion!
(Why only Kuranaka and Rob san got money?
Why THEY MADE ME SLAVE 2011-2023…???????)
My cover photo, and inside!!! (Naoshima and Kanazawa!)
2011311 津波 FUKUSHIMA
I love you とかいいながら ロブさん日本に入国!(私はブラックレイン降るかもしれないから、来なくていいよと言ったんだけど、危ないかもしれないし!) それで、DOMMUNEで「prayer for Japan」 (雨、降ってたと思うけど!!!被曝させないで!クラナカくん!私に!君とロブさんだけ2011-2023お金儲けたの?あの私撮影の写真(ジャケット写真!!3点 ちなみに 金沢と直島)
We (relaxmax and Rob san) split in 2011.
It was so … disgusting separation! Hooker sent me email (robluzbrazzos!) to me, somehow she got my hotmail so
I HAD TO CHANGE MY BUSINESS MAIL (main one! which was on my FB) to other email add…
“ALL JAPANESE MUST DIE FROM TSUNAMI”… Rob san was writing to me “sorry”…
when I said about my emai add (how robluzbrazzos got mine?, Rob san said “Ikue is wrong ” coz my email was on FB page in 2011… so I had to erase my email add from my FB…in 2011!)
2011の後 ロブさんとは別れてる
Rob san said “I want to take care of Ikue chan and Mama san” お母さんのことまで面倒みてくれるんや!(結婚して)いい人やな!って思ってたんだけど、、、(前の奥さんとは別居中、その人との結婚指輪は抜いていたロブさん) We (me and Rob san) split in 2011, when I met Rob san in 2008, Rob san had wife “EMI SMITH” (Japanese living in BRISTOL?) , Rob san had marriage ring!
(Rob san said he got married coz Emi’s Visa situation!!!)
I had sex with Rob san in Croatia 2008! coz he said,
“he (Rob san) will split with his WIFE(EMI) and get marry with me relaxmax”!
(something like this)
(… this kind of scum and he made me slave 2008-2023??!!??!!)

ロブルズブラゾズ (フッカー 売春婦 フィリピン 麻薬とかフィリピン危ない?) 21歳5歳の子持ち(シングルマム)
、、、2011年 ロブさんとは別れてる。
2012 ロブさんは ママさん家にお好み食べに来た(うちには泊まっていない。だからおそらくこの時ではない!)
2013 ママさん家来てお好み焼き食べるロブさん(春)
夏は一緒に過ごした(またちゃんと付き合う(結婚)って感じかな?って思ったら(ロブさん家のリビングで「レコードで!わざわざ!!かけてた曲は 「英語のタイトル知らないけど!君が僕の人生に帰って来た!」てかんじのタイトルの曲!!」、、、すかむぽいよな!
2014夏 ママさん家来た(ロブさんは数日しか泊まっていない)セックスはする。中で生出し。ゴムつけないロブさん、、、えヘルペスなのに!(嘘 教えられたかな、ロブさんに、後で調べたら ゴムつけないとうつるらしい)
2015 夏は数週間一緒に過ごした(人生で1番お金がないと 膝枕でロブさん泣いてた。ロブさんは息子といろいろあったみたい、、、)

2015冬 ママさん家来た お好み焼き食べたロブさん ママさん家数日泊まってた
2017 ママさん家来た お好み焼き食べた
2018 ママさん家来た お好み焼き食べた
2019 ロブさんドタキャン
これ 2010年のロブさん ママさん家実家の近所 散歩中
Rob san with BABEL 2010 (near mamasan’s flat)…few days? later (…or the DATE was on naked girl PHOTO!) this photo was kind of last day in Osaka…and I went to airport with Rob san next day he was going to Philippine… (he wanted to “upload same photo” on twitter (like boyfriend and girlfriend)…anyway)
Rob san with NAKED GIRL (HOOKER ) in his ARM ! (After SEX!) kind of photo, hooker (gogo bar !?) girl sent me in 2011…(and saying ” ALL JAPANESE MUST DIE from TSUNAMI”…!!!泣 traumatic experience !
…that was messy BREAK UP with ROB san.
2011年 ロブさんと別れて以降
2012、2013 、2017、2018 ロブさん ママさん家来てお好み食べた
2011ピンクゴリラ BANKSY(Eastonらしいけど、私は実物の壁は見ていない)
2014か2015(ロブさん ママさん家来て泊まってた!)
I don’t know when Rob san did it!!!(stole my book from my room at Mamasan’s flat)
2008,2009,2010,2011(march! Just After FUKUSHIMA!!!),2014,2015,2018…Rob san was staying at Mamasan’s flat.
2012, 2013 Rob san just came for OKONOMIYAKI (he didn’t sleep in my ROOM at Mamasan’s)… I haven’t met Rob san since 2018! (Coz Rob san didn’t turn up in 2019 ドタキャン!)
So…maybe 2014? Or 2015? Rob san did it? Rob san stole my BOOK (which cheba sent me anf I received in 2007 NOV) from my room (at Mama san’s).
After We (me and Rob san) split up, I slept with Rob san (in 2013 summer I was thinking We in proper relationship…) coz Rob san was playing a record at his living room (fishpond!), “You came back to my life” (the title!, can’t remember exact title tho…!) … Rob san was opening the door (of his CAR!) for me (when We go for a shopping to Morrison’s or where was it? Haha) saying “MRS.(って奥さんて、、、)”… scum (is he? 泣)… but then anyway We (me and Rob san) didn’t meet after this for “1 YEAR”…so… I had sex with Rob san in 2014 summer (Rob san was staying at Mamasan’s) … Rob san didn’t wear condom (for protection for me! For HERPES!!!), He told me “LIE”!(about herpes..:( )…and I met Rob san in 2015 summer, Rob san was saying ” He didn’t have money, LEAST in his LIFE”(he was selling female trousers (charity shop hunting, then got few quid… drinking wine from noon, and making music…he was saying for him 100 quid tires cost bit of CASH for him ( something like this)”.
anyway, after 2011, Me and Rob san wasn’t in proper relationship (Rob san had sex with me without condom, then MADE ME SLAVE !?!? Whaaaat! CDs how many CDs? 2009 Good Energy, 2011 Go in a Good Way, Mix work in DUB 2015, Blue Sky Love 2016… :( :( :( )
ROB san stole my book which I received from CHEBA in 2007 ” Banksy’s Bristol Home Sweet Home”
while MAMA san was in next room? (Mamasan’s flat is kind of “normal sized 3LDK) I could hear TV noise from Living room (where Mama san is watching TV) … and maybe
as well?
(もしかしたらCDも?、、ペブのレーベルの!GOOD ENERGY !)
WHEN I DESIGNED, (and received CD 2 of them! from Rob san in 2009) …
CD GOOD ENERGY I have here
(one sealed, and one I opened then didn’t see since 2009…?)
When I saw in 2022(was it?) …
CREDIT was different
…Rob san also stole them? (2 CD which from Rob san in 2009!!!!) then He left SOMETHING

こんな確実に ロブさんの犯罪に気づいてしまったな泣
(払ってない=盗んでいる だけでなく、HUMAN RIGHTS人権! 4 !

I’m not your slave!
2011年のピンクゴリラ載ってるけど 2007NOV 6000 copyて書いてる本! (誰がブリストルでこれ刷ったのだろう?この「にせもの?」の本)
ロブさん、ママさん家のカードキー無くした って言ってた。
slave work させたペブとロブさん
jah way?ではなかったな

ロブさん、カードキー落とした?(2010)ほんとに?(カードキー ロブさんに盗まれてたら怖いな)さすがに、、、なかなか、、、わからないけど(3日前は「まさかな」だったけどピンクゴリラ2011)、、、
ロブさんが 大阪の私のママさん家 実家にいた間に、私の部屋でロブさん1人の時間(私がお風呂 私がトイレ 私が外で仕事)、、、あったとは思う。だけどお母さんが隣にいる。(引き戸の向こうにママさんがいる状態のロブさんが私の部屋に1人。)、、、で、私が仕事とかで「外」、その上でママさんも!ちょっと買い物で「外」、、、ロブさんがママさん家実家に1人お留守番、、、そういう「タイミング」というか「時間」、、、どうかな?あったかな?
I guess 2009, Mama san had to work hard (morning 3 times a week and 6 nights a week! 3 days (morning till night!! ) For mamasan, it was hard time in 2009! 2010!(heart! Serious, in hospital 2 weeks! in her LIFE!!! ) so WHY? Rob san didn’t realize poverty in our family (Uyama family, single mum!!) Rob san was alone or with YUKI (my sis) … prob ONLY ROB san was in Mamasan’s flat ?sometime in 2009? … maybe not?)
まぁまぁカウンシルフラットの近所(2002-2004年に住んでたイーストンの!) 名前は、、、、ピンクゴリラっていうか(上のwikiのリンク読んでね!名前!)