So this is Christmas, what have you done in 2020?

So this is Christmas, what have you done in 2020?

War is Over if you want it ♪

Merry Christmas!

2015 Tokyo on Christmas Day!
This was my second Yoko’s exhibition I saw after Barcelona (2003?) .
I didn’t know before visiting exhibition, “Window” is something important for her as well…
(to me I made a photobook “Perfect view from the Window” from my travels, I met my window in 2012 and I first enlarged my perfect window as REAL SIZE ! in 2015 spring time, in the photobook I said “YES” to some question on NONAME ISLAND, you can check the answer in my  photobook in ICP NY or you can order it ;)
I bought “YES” badges and pen!:) for souvenir. I still keep it SAFE for my HAPPY MEMORIES!
One of most impressive art from Barcelona is “Play it by trust”
Massive sized all white chess set
…. like there’s no meaning to fight, no one win no one loose,there’s no “black and white” in the world…kind of impression I had
This photo is from 2015 Tokyo, “Voice Piece for Soprano for Simone Morris”
I took selfie with it
I asked somebody from the museum to press the shutter for my selfie :)!I wanted to go to John and Yoko’s Double Fantasy as well…but I JUST CAN’T!!(from Osaka …to Tokyo, traveling is fatal (for me in corona time …:( )

Wishing US ALL


Yoko Ono さんの大きい白いチェスの作品



(世界に白黒なんてなくって、戦うことなんてナンセンス、どっちが勝つどっちが負けるそういうものでないような、、Play It By Trust!)



タイトルがfrom my window窓!だった
あんまり知らなかったけれど、、、(私にとっても「窓」はperfect view from the window の写真絵本も作ったように大切なもの、2012年に出会った窓、2015年の春にはじめてreal size にプリントした「あの窓」、名前のない島に戻ってある質問に「YES」と答えた!その質問が気になる人は、NYのICPの図書館で本を読んでみるか、私にオーダーしてね!)


このVoice Piece は確かこの場所にいた学芸員の方かな?どなたかにシャッターを押してとお願いして撮影したselfie!

今東京でやっているJohn とYokoの展示もみたいけど、コロナでちょっと大阪から出かけて見にいくのは無理そう!

So this is Christmas, what have you done in 2020?

War is Over if you want it ♪

Merry Christmas!

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