I forgot exactly what Alex said to us pupils, but something similar ;D
It’s better to shoot another one hour after you might think “this enough”,
so I could push myself to visit to Ruin Yagul on the day
M.7.2 Erthquake happened( February 16, 2018 at 17:39)…
After seeing those photos (5 photos from Alex and Rebecca’s choice) ,
I realized true-self more clear than ever.
This is what I did for making dummy ( after workshop in Feb in Oaxaca, I started book-edit in May 2018 ( after I had HIMATSURI exhibition at Jyunpu elementary school in April as KG+ )
I just sticked my photos on the wall and talked with them!
(ワークショップの数ヶ月後、帰ってすぐにHIMATSURI show at KGでそれが終わってすぐ。)
This is what I was reading ( got when I was 15? On the road Jack kerouak , I brought with me in 2012 and I left somewhere ( I know where it was, I hope to get it back if its still there… hopefully!)
I didn’t know that there was big earth quake until I got back home in Oaxaca city centro.
My friend told me, and I just cryed…!
I felt my vision somehow cleared by shock of earthquake (It didn’t happen where I was … on the road, but there was!)
I cried, and thank god and nature.
Then I finished my edit of Oaxaca magic ( choice was almost as I selected , few photos my teacheres didn’t use for final edit, I was arranging in chronological order, then Alex and Rebecca helped me to seaquence images in different order with their VISIONs)
other gift from the workshop… Ritual of Lent in Oaxaca “LOS DIABLOS”
2012年の旅で生まれた別の作品 Other gifts from the my days on the road in 2012
Moment in Eternity
Tranquility in their garden
though climate change have destroyed precious nature and daily life around the globe.
My photos can heal viewers.
Healed person with new vision can create new way of life in their ordinary life
like “Living in the garden of life”
As One family on planet Earth
My prayer is creating NEW EARTH in this universe.
Like a moss
We are part of the universe.
What we choose for our future
at this point of our lifetime?
How can we live with truth in the world of lies?(like news about radioactive in Fukushima )
We meditate in the garden of life and search the truth in us at my exhibition where you can relax yourself with inner guidance…you can always find your truth inside you.
Llisten in tranquility
Pray for World Peace
Unseen power of
Vision,Thoughtful words,
Love and Prayer
will create the new doors of possibility…this is “Garden of Life”.
My father hit mom and she lost her teeth and blood… and…
I didn’t see it coz I was staying friend’s house… only my sis and mom and FATHER… and it happened that night. I just heard the story… mom was trying to escape from my father and … she run into sis’s room… (she can lock). My father is not violent … but ONLY THAT NIGHT… it happened. They drunk a bit but i guess not too much. (My father was drinking at mama’s bar and they came back home… ) After their divorce, they were trying to get back together but it didn’t happen that way…)
I really liked my father but he was always not AT HOME! (… so I was thinking I had no father …)
MY FATHER is always NOT AT HOME! (coz my parents are divorced)
Last time I met my father was when I was 16… then I didn’t see my father for 19!!!! years!
I wanted but…
My mom didn’t want me to meet him! (after he hit her, she was scared…)
I asked couple of times but my mom didn’t give me my father’s phone number…
I remember… when I was 20 (SEIJIN ritual of ASDULT in Japan was 20! :) , and… when I was 27 … ( I was living in Bristol so it was difficult to meet my father… ( didn’t know when I could come back to JP… so I wanted to meet my father and show my husband!) and…
I didn’t see it happened THAT NIGHT! (I was away) … so! I really wanted to meet My father… I know I really liked my father coz he was always not with ME!
When my mom was in hospital for her heart disease, I decided I wanted to see my father… coz I didn’t want to meet him for his funeral (for the first and the last one to meet my father…:( ) I was smoking at hospital (talking with my sis ), and asked my sis if she wanted to meet father… answer was …(she didn’t want to…)
My sis saw my mom’s blood THAT NIGHT so… it was her decision NOT TO MEET FATHER. I guess she didn’t have much memory of FATHER … this is another reason why! (My parents divorced when my sis was 0! (and I was 4…)
In the MOVIE (my novel my poem! 2人のママン!),
I was thinking of my sister
when I was writing this …” xxxxxxx(i’ll show you later where!)”
HIS WORD in the movie
My sis cried at father’s funeral, she didn’t know if she cry… She was thinking she didn’t have any feeling at all towards father but…
I’m not “2003relaxmax” who was living in Easton council flat In Bristol… (now I live in Osaka)
I see
…and on Commercial Way? (like WAR itself?!)
is not same “Banksy 2003″ as
…(was he REAL?)
all artwork is real
差出人: relaxmax <relaxmaxontheroad@gmail.com> 日時: 2023年12月24日 9:36:46 JST 件名:2003年にExsistencilism”All art work is real”て書いてる本を買ったブリストルイーストンに住んでたrelaxmaxが20年後に思うバンクシーの「こまーしゃりずむ」
Banksy’s something(is it ART?)… I just saw on insta…(5min after he(?) posted… )
My comment was
“えー” ( face with blue …don’t know how I call it)
I saw insta before it was stollen…
(顔文字 えー で入力できる)
what I thought was…
(He post this? (… guess Banksy is reading what I’m writing, then…?!?!)
I am filled with vital energy
I am my deeper mind
I am awakened
I am understanding
I am one with all life
I am righ(?)
I am worthy
I am joy
I am love
My consciousness is expanded
I am unlimited mind
I take responsibility for my life
All my debs are paid
I am fear less
I am impecable
I am humble
My psychic ability are fully developed
I know the thought of others
I know the future and my choice accordingly
My manifestation comes quickly
I can create anything I want
I am prepared for change
I accept change in my life
I live in the now
I live in the present
I genuine mind
I am a time traveller
I travel dimensionally
I command with great being
I acese (stop?) the age
My body is healed and restored
My function is at xxxxxxxx
I xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx vitality
My body is five years younger
I know what I want
All that I have to have I get
I am protected
I am xxx
I forgiveness and xxxx a new
tie will be done
so be it
magico mexicoについて知っている
「そのオリジナルの彼の書いたhand writing 」
National Insurance number
Marriage certificate (VALさんの直筆!亡くなったジョナサンのお母さん!!)
Listen in Spatial Audio on Apple Music → music.apple.com/gb/album/acros…
It’s one of the best lyrics I’ve written. In fact, it could be the best. It’s good poetry, or whatever you call it, without chewing it. See, the ones I like are the ones that stand as words without melody. They don’t have to have any melody, like a poem you can read them.
I was lying next to my first wife in bed, you know, and I was irritated. She must have been going on and on about something and she’d gone to sleep and I’d kept hearing these words over and over, flowing like an endless stream. I went downstairs and it turned into sort of a cosmic song rather than an irritated song, rather than a, ‘Why are you always mouthing off at me?’ or whatever, right?
But the words stand, luckily, by themselves. They were purely inspirational and were given to me as ‘boom!’ I don’t own it, you know; it came through like that. I don’t know where it came from, what meter it’s in, and I’ve sat down and looked at it and said, ‘Can I write another one with this meter?’
It’s so interesting: ‘Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass they slip away across the universe.’ Such an extraordinary meter and I can never repeat it! It’s not a matter of craftsmanship, it wrote itself. It drove me out of bed. I didn’t want to write it, I was just slightly irritable and I went downstairs and I couldn’t get to sleep until I put it on paper, and then I went to sleep.
It’s like being possessed, like a psychic or a medium. The thing has to go down. It won’t let you sleep, so you have to get up, make it into something, and then you’re allowed to sleep. That’s always in the middle of the bloody night, when you’re half awake or tired and your critical facilities are switched off.
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
Are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes
They call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly
As they make their way across the universe
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing through my open ears
Inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
And calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Jai guru dev a ॐ
Jai guru dev a ॐ